Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Lots of Business Buzzing

SR Hive Check, 7/21
I missed the opportunity to post about a brief hive check I did at Sunflower River on Friday morning, July 21. I went out around 10am. They had a lot of shade at that time, and the hive was pretty busy. I was mostly checking on their progress building in the second brood box. There was still evidence of a queen, and they were busily building more comb, already mostly filling all but the two side frames. I didn't go further in, hoping to just leave them do what they'll do, and next week (probably on August 1) I will see about adding a honey super, just for giggles, and really check out how they're doing.

Ironwood Farms
In addition, Chris finally got back to me about checking on the hives at Ironwood Farm in the South Valley of Albuquerque. I went out there this morning and got a tour. His one hive that remains is descended from the same swarm he caught a dozen years ago! His hives are "messy" in that he's a master of sustainability, and they are made from lots of spare parts, and it made me think that beekeeping can be even more natural than I'm already doing! Anyway, Chris' beekeeper abandoned him a couple of months ago, and it took that much time to get me out there to take a look.

Unfortunately, checking on his hive, I found them to be incredibly cramped and every frame is full! When I opened it up, these cranky bees flew out and swarmed me. I was safe inside my suit, but they covered my veil and made it hard to see, so I decided that his hive was beyond my growing skills. So I chatted with Chris and decided that I would look for local beekeepers willing to come out and likely assist him with a split.

He may have me back once things calm down again, but that was an interesting and harrying experience.

Source Hive Split!
Also, stay tuned! This Thursday, July 27, I will acquire another queen and split my own hive here at home. I'm excited!...And a little bit scared.

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